We’re working on an interesting interview with Clay from Atom Bomb. Here are two shots of his new bike, Green Agenda. It’s a kickass tracker, a threatening neck puncher, a scary story on Fox News, and these are teaser pix. The rest of the photos are much more revealing. Info about the build will be forthcoming in the interview.
And another FNG! It’s my old friend Ryan (AKA Rock Dog). Ryan and I have been friends for over five years. There was a time I had a little website where I wrote whatever I wanted and threw up crazy graphics. There were lots of angry, drunken rants, lots of angry, drunken poetry, a 20,000-word presidential platform, links to books I’ve written and more. I wrote from Honolulu, New Orleans, Austin, San Antonio, and Phoenix. He emailed me one day when I was in New Orleans and we’ve become friends. That ******* knows more about me than all but a person or two who aren’t my family. Please make sure you mess with him, tell him he’s gay, that he should grow up and forget his dreams…. You know.
Thanks for showing up, man. I apologize for being out of touch the past few months.

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I’m over here now…I think I commented with the wrong account. Google messes with me.
I dig the site man!
Rock ON!
yeah. i have issues with google/blogger: