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hey metric mofos. please accept my apologies for the site being a bit stale as i am tripping through the south with the best girl in the world. look for regular updates to start again tomorrow with more pix and info from the dime city grand opening as well as a lovefest for eric nemzer from karnage kustomz. for now, i must rest and recuperate. my brain is mushy. it must get hard and sharp again. like a knife and a hot buttery product not drenched in liquor.

this blurry pic was taken late last night in the backwoods of georgia as we got loaded on my patented bathtub-stirred buttmunch gargle juice. additionally, this batch was stirred with a giant wrench, giving it a fine hint of 30-weight oil. as you can see, we got lubricated and i have created an elixir of great mirth. the shakes come the next day but you’ll be a man and no whining is allowed.

maybe tomorrow i’ll also tell the tale of the scariest strip club i’ve ever accidentally wandered into…

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