Home / Friday's Post of Cool Stuff / friday’s post of cool stuff!

friday’s post of cool stuff!

Okay, I’m starting a tradition here. Every Friday I’m going to post some cool stuff; bikes, art, video, humor, anything that trips me. There is nothing you can do about it. Enjoy!

Let’s start off with this b**chin’ Trump bob. Where the **** did I get it? I don’t know! If you know anything about this bike, please comment below. Thanks!

If by “PREMIER” they mean “stretchmarks, bruises, BJs in the alley and gunshot wounds,” then yeah.

World War One started when the dude wearing this suit was shot and killed. He was the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand. On June 28, 1914, the day he was killed but before he was shot, his motorcade had a bomb thrown at it. Interrupting the Mayor’s welcome speech at Sarajevo’s City Hall that day, he yelled, “What is the good of your speeches? I come to Sarajevo on a visit and I get bombs thrown at me. It is outrageous!” He was a forward-thinking reformer trying to hold on to the fading remnants of his empire but also, it seems, quite a douche.

PUNK ROCK, MOTHERF***ERS! Yes, it’s the Ramones posing for a photo with what looks to be a Suzuki T350 twin.

You tell ’em, Grampa!

The builder who created this is in Budapest and I’ll profile him soon.

Have a great Friday, everybody!


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