Home / Friday's Post of Cool Stuff / friday’s post of cool stuff #77: win custom bikerMetric footpegs

friday’s post of cool stuff #77: win custom bikerMetric footpegs

like this:

these are very first pair of bikerMetric footpegs. there’s an aluminum peg and a sleeve with a spiderweb design on it that attaches with one allen-style bolt.

this week we are coming out with a ton of these f***ers but none will look like this.

that means these pegs are one-of-a-kind. they’re 6061/aircraft grade aluminum and weigh less than your prince albert piercing or your gay nipple rings.

the good men lance and danny at busch and busch produced these to prove the idea worked. hit them up for anything, all the time.

the designs we are coming out with are…. different.

the deal is the sleeve concept (patent pending thanks to investors and liars). the peg works the same. say you win these pegs for only two bucks plus shipping, and you see the designs we have coming out in the next week, or next month, or next year, and you want those. good for you because you you don’t have to pay $120 for a new set of pegs, you simply buy the sleeve. we’ll have sleeves in brass and aluminum and a sleeve will cost a fraction of the price of an entire set of solid pegs made by any metal. from anybody. anywhere. forever.

all bM parts are, and will always be MADE IN AMERICA.

buy your chinese or indian-made stuff somewhere else. bikerMetric is employing americans, from the cad designer to the cnc machine operator to me. our aluminum is american. so is our brass. we’ll mail using the post office because the government is talking about shutting them down or “privatizing” them. like we need another ups.

today is friday, april 20. i’ll pick a winner at random on monday, april 30. so you have ten days to scrounge up two bucks from your sofa cushions and win a rare piece of motorcycle infamy, a pair of one-off bikerMetric foot pegs. the button says “buy now,” but it really means “don’t be a sucker.” two bucks?

yeah. plus a buck fifty shipping. or you can drive to my undisclosed location to get them yourself.

do you know the time that went into these? brag about them. a one-off design on your bike like this – that nobody else will ever have – would cost twenty times as much as two bucks. actually, about 150 times as much. i know. i’ve been at this for months. i’ve averaged the quotes. these pegs are worth at least $300 if i made twenty pairs.

i made one set.

these are one-offs. never to be repeated.

you can trust the work from busch and busch who produced these. i haven’t seen anybody work as hard to make what i need. get ’em for only $2 if you’re feeling lucky, punk:

all right, as usual i have some socio-political rant to go off on but will make it short today by asking, what happened to the america where we were relatively moral? where our servicemen and women were beyond reproach? where they actually worked for democracy, not an oligarchy? where we believed in the military and the leaders in our government’s reasons for war?

you are being lied to. war today is about what president eisenhower, a true war hero and man of moral integrity warned us about, the influence of the military-industrial complex. it is now about the enslavement of the world to enrich a few who already have more riches than they could spend in many lifetimes.

don’t buy their bulls**t. america as we were raised to believe in is dead. the zombie apocalypse is happening now and you don’t know you’re dead. brains? as if anybody has them.

when we starve due to lack of brains, then the corporate man, their puppet politicians, and the military bastards who train their troops to take joy in murder shall rule the world.

good luck. i will sure to be eaten by wolves long before you die from lack of brains.

now let’s have a bit of what is good about america. america makes great beer. found this today:

it was a very decent american style brown ale, but bootlegger and turbodog are better. maybe that is because i know the places and the people who brew those beers. still, i would recommend georgia brown ale and bought only one because i had a few nickels in my pocket. it was purchased because of how it described itself on the label:

hm. i must say that when clinton was president, i made about 80k a year and did what i wanted. since, i still do what i want, but at this rate, i won’t make 80k between now and my death at 120.

because i am a mean motherf***er and i’ll live that long.

now some of you are going to call me a commie, having no idea what i am trying to convey.

been practicing with my new camera.

the world is sad. let us dream of better things. let us f*** like tomorrow will not rise. let us seek souls and forgive and walk on peacefully. let us smile to those we pass and hurt the bankers who stick it to us. let us overthrow our government, ruled by few, powered by corporate interest, who would see you die the most painful death if they could make a dollar off your ground up bones and flesh.

hey. i left you with a babe there. what else do you want?

okay, here is a moral tale sent by jay nell in south africa:

in 1923, who was:
1. president of the largest steel company?
2. president of the largest gas company?
3. president of the new york stock exchange?
4. the greatest wheat speculator?
5. president of the bank of international settlement? (there is/was such a thing?)
6. the great bear of wall street?

as you may imagine, these men were considered some of the world’s most successful leaders of their day.

decades later, the history book tells what became of them.

1. the president of the largest steel company, charles schwab, died a pauper.
2. The president of the largest gas company, edward hopson, went insane.
3. The president of the new york stock exchange, richard whitney, was released from prison after three years and four months, lived a long and uneventful life living off what he had hidden though fraud by the hard work of his wife, and died at home.
4. the greatest wheat speculator, arthur cooger, died abroad, penniless.
5. the president of the bank of international settlement shot himself.
6. the “great bear of wall street, cosabee livermore, also committed suicide.

in that same year, 1923, when all these “great” men were at the top of their worlds, the winner of the most important motorcycleroad race, the isle of man tt, was stanley woods. he won 10 tt races between 1923 and 1939, and lived on the isle of man, riding motorcycles all his life. he lapped the island circuit at 82 mph in 1957 when he was 54 and was a wealthy man when he died at age 90.

the moral of this story of greed, corruption, and motorbikes? f*** work. ride motorbikes. history repeats itself and the corporate man and their bullsh*t promises of transient wealth is a lie.

so screw it.

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