it finally happened. 200 bikerMetric member/followers.
still averaging about one a day and along with each new member is a couple hundred new readers. therefore, here are the f***ing new guys who wade through the “hurt bankers” rants for the occasional killer metric bobber, chopper and cafe racer.
additionally, through some research, i’ve discovered that for every three that follow this madhouse publicly, there is one that follows privately. interesting.
thanks, guys.
alvaro espinoza: i am always amazed at the guy that has no info, no pic, and follows only bM. i feel like a cliche of a 1980’s comic: “what’s the deal with that?”
David seems to be a guy that likes the metric and euro bob, shop and cafe thing. snagged this pic of a wicked little yamaha virago streetfighter from one of the blogs he follows, bmwcafeblog. dig that link to see a few more pix of this bike.
yamaha virago streetfighter
Nathan: no pic. no info. a short and eclectic assortment of blogs from writing/editing to a couple of teenage girls from the netherlands. he’s the first follower of their blog, so he’s either a pervert or a dad to one of them. thanks for digging the wacky world i espouse here, nathan.
alias: robert harris. no pic. no info. follows only me. spy.
Sims: no pic. no info. follows a few hundred biker culture blogs. welcome to the funhouse, sims. please bring beer. pbr not allowed. we’re men. and our women like men. if you wanna go cheap, bring malt liquor
codename: rushbroculli. no pic. no info. follows only bM. spy.
never trust a squirrel
pch used to follow the old site and signed up to cast his lot with the rest of us. good to see you again, pch.
Ajuntamento Biker is a portugese cat with a blog he doesn’t keep very active, and he’s like many who follow bM. we are one site of many that he keeps tabs on. thanks for checking us out, ajuntamento.
Jesper Nohr is a total geek. he blogs about repairing printers, and invents magnetic engines and anti-sniping devices he calls the “anti-terrorist sniper thingy.” hey man, um…. you wanna meet for a beer and help protect me with your laser beam protection invention when i’ve finally gone over the edge and start seriously provoking murderous revolution to the masses who will already be filled with rage? ’cause the corporate dudes are gonna be ****** about that and wanna kill me. also, are you a hacker?
psst. i think jesper might be crazy. excellent!
now here is a coincidence. psyko signed up to follow my semi-coherent ramblings. he’s a french painter into the custom culture of hot rods and motorcycles. check his blog out and dig this piece of his:
mercury scallops | psyko
kick only is none other than my advertiser and phenomenal paint artist nate spainhower, friend of juan carlos. you can check out their blog here at suicide wheels, as well as nate’s tig splatter blog, and don’t miss his pro website at
paint by nate
eddie says he is “the chinese amerikaji,” which is japanese american-styled fashion. kinda 1950’s rocker from what i can tell. motorcycles work with this, as many of you know. it’s the “custom culture!” check out eddie’s blog, free & easy. his site is where i first found pix of lucky monkey’s kz750 monstrosity.
this badass danish dude, ClauS, follows three sites, mine, pipeburn, and coc. well, two outta three ain’t bad. ha! just kidding. my site is tolerable….
and #200 is…. drumroll, please…. Backstreet Buckets! he’s a pinstriper and does a lot of biltwell helmets. i see by visiting his blog that he’s been a lurker for a while here. he’s got bikes of all sorts, hot rods, tons of babes, and the occasional image he yoinked off bikerMetric. credit my site, motherf***er.
200… 199…
early in this noobfest, i received notification that somebody wanted to leave a comment on yesterday’s “cool stuff” post. he left a decent response and signed off as austntexan. it seems my reply didn’t **** him off as he then hit the button that guarantees all of you your own file in the basement of a “government” spy agency. austn likes “working on and riding motorcycles,” and goes to college in austin (der). thanks for your support and correspondence, man. #201!
world domination comes slowly, and enemies are made as well as friends. thank you all for deciding that you want to know what’s going on with bikerMetric every day. peace out, mofos.
i know this might be old news already, since i got this post finished so late, but here is a shot of shinya kimura’s latest machine, an mv agusta 750:

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OK. So i’m that spy guy codenamed RushBroculli, only cause I just found out and signed up for this blogthing. Took me 30 mins to find out how to comment. No need for paranoia. Just dig your writingstyle and original video / photo posts. As a token of my non-spy-ish intentions and MC related intrests, I’d like to send you a photo of my Caferacer. (if I ever find out how the **** I can do that).
hey rush. the deal with all noobs is they get poked fun of and/or get links to what they’re up to. been doing it since i started this mess 17 months ago. if i can’t find much about a new follower, i call them a spy. you should have seen the last post for noobs! i was very low key yesterday. folks that have been reading for the past few months know it’s just my schtick.
as william s. burroghs said, “paranoia is just knowing all the facts.” i knew nothing about you so how could i be paranoid? besides, the squirrel with the binoculars and homeland security pin on his boy scout hat didn’t hip you to the humor? come on man. i know you fingered that out.
just as i know you’ll figure out my email. it’s on every page. and it isn’t a link.
peace out, man! thanks for sticking around.
Just cause we ain’t members doesn’t mean we haven’t bookmarked your **** and check it every day. keep it up
oh, i know, anon. almost half my readers came to bM directly in the past 30 days. that usually means “bookmark/favorite.” at the beginning of the year, it was 15% less. i am brainwashing you all!
thanks for dropping by, smirking at my megalomaniacal humor, and for the encouraging words.
Hey Trent !
Guess I’m #203. I’ve been following you for quite a while, using Google Reader. Does that show up in your stats?
I’m also reading 7 other motorcycle blogs, inlcuding “Bike EXIF Daily” and “Wrenchmonkees”.
Keep up the good work, I love seeing a babe at the bottom of every post !
thanks, niclas!
every once in a while i check the google reader stats. my analytics only count folks that view the actual website (i just changed that to add reader – thanks!) but it seems another 256 viewers a day check the posts through google reader.
glad to have you aboard the world domination locomotive, man. peace out!
Hi Trent, my comment was supposed to be tongue in cheeck… Reading it now, it sounds dead serious. Conclusion: Never write comments when hung over and always blame the hang over. I’ll send ya a pic of my humble cafe. Big up for ya blog.Will be following this one.