First, something I’ve been saying for years:
There. Now you wonder less why I make such a racket about ****** revolution when I’ve had a few beers on a Friday. Also, now that you’re a little freaked out, click this and quit thinking the good ol’ US of A isn’t China’s b**ch.
What can you do about it? First, you can get drunk and email your senator. You can also visit our METRIC BOBBER AND CHOPPER PARTS page and purchase something American made for your two-wheeled scoot, or maybe just a t-shirt.
Thanks to everybody who voted in the poll. There were some interesting results. I’d have never thought that “beer taster,” “biker poet big in bangkok, and “revolutionary” would get the same amount of votes for 18% total. The most surprising thing is that 39% of you think your ideal job would be “independently wealthy f**koff.”
Also surprising was that 18% of bikerMetric respondents wish to be “custom motorbike builders.” I’d have thought more but I guess the guys that play the lotto took that vote.
I’m going to post a new poll every week and it will be up for only one week. Not sure when I’ll start. Maybe tomorrow, maybe Monday.
Now I’ve got to lay down some heavy thanks to the FNG’s who have signed up in the past 12 days:
tom: He makes neon signs and has a cool blog about bikes, beer, ‘boards, dogs, art, and music. Nice. Check out KILLIN-IT here. He also took this photo at the last Rockerbox bash in Milwaukee as a warning that the Apocalypse is coming soon:
Thanks for joining our little band of metric misfits, tom.
Friscobiker: Frisco is from Timisoara, Romania and has a blog about hardcore choppers and heavy metal tunage called Fast-Biker. He’s serious about his metal and believes that all posers should f**k off. I couldn’t agree more.
Tobacco: A fine Italian man who takes decent photographs. Check them out here.
Castle550: Chris is from Madison, WI, and has a 2000 Honda Shadow ACE. I had one of those (a 1999). Like mine, his ACE is a daily driver. He also owns a 1985 Suzuki GS550 that looks like his winter bobber project. Excellent. Thanks for signing up and checking the madness out, man.
jason: This dude is a graphic designer, artist, fly fisherman, and lover of all things print-related. He obviously digs motorcycles, too and has a 1981 Honda CX500 he’s going to cut up into a fine monoshock cafe. Check out his blog dedicated to this build here.
robinson_yvonne: I have no information about this person. Thanks for becoming one of us!
machineshed: I think this is Matt Machine from machineshed. Way cool. I got this from his blog and it freaking rocks:
black-cobra: Hm. I think Mr. cobra might also like heavy music and blowing stuff up. Right on!
Brian Solomon: TURBO. That is all.
Finally, Al: Al was born in the alpine fields and mountains of Haute-Savoie, France in 1952, and has been riding for over 40 years. He is also a zombie and is trying to build himself a rigid bike. We all want more rigidity when we’re pushing 60, eh, Al? I wonder if his parents kicked **** *** because Haute-Savoie was the base of a famous group of resistance fighters during WW2. Very cool. Thanks for digging my American wackiness, man. Check out his blog here.
That’s ten new metric members in 12 days. Must. Remain. Humble. This ought to help:
Almost forgot. New stuff. bikerMetric is going to greatly expand our Tech Tips in a big way starting this weekend. You’ll have to come and see for yourself, but bM’s new – and still top secret – resident mechanic and fabricator is starting with a two-part piece to start about what you need to set up your own garage for building bobbers and choppers.
I’ve also got some builder interviews coming up and one of them is from a couple of exclusive folks who, as far as I know, have only been interviewed once, and it was cupcake questions. You know how interviews go on bikerMetric, so look out for that.
Thanks again to all of you who drop by. I am going to rule the world building temples to the New *** with your bones! Muah ha ha ha ha!

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