had a poll up last week. i should have taken the third option and replaced it with pot. bet there would have been a few clicks on that one. anyway, according to the bikerMetric research department for world domination, bM readers prefer to spend their money on:
motorcycle parts: 26 (23%)
hookers: 8 (7%)
coke: 0 (0%)
motorcycles: 22 (19%)
machinery to make stuff: 12 (10%)
video games: 0 (0%)
family: 4 (3%)
booze: 5 (4%)
guns: 7 (6%)
****: 1 (0%)
what’s money? 27 (24%)
no wonder i’m broke. all of you are! oh well. it’s good to know there are some liquored-up perverts with guns roaming these parts. it makes everything i do worthwhile.
one thing i like is thanking the losers who read this **** and admit it publicly. i find it hard to believe sometimes, but there are folks who want everybody to know they’re here. it’s like foursquare, but not so gay.
who do i have to tip a lot to become mayor around here?
Lupo **** Rider is a portugese, um, **** rider. yeah!
Beer Booters likes beer and bikes. it seems that they are a club of like-minded bikers who like beer, bikes and babes. specifically, the ****** part of babes. how do i know? i visited their website at beerbreed and witnessed this glorious ford-styled brake light with my own eyes:
thanks for coming around, gentlemen. what is the name of the woman who let the mold be taken of her *****? she has a small ****. i wonder if i pierced it, and lined the holes in the plastic with pink rubber grommets, how cool it would look. especially if the ball at the top of the piercing said “STOP.”
motorhill is a japanese cat building a yamaha xs650 stuff, as well as other, um, stuff. his skills and abilities include sandblasting, buffing, re-plating, welding, painting, wiring, and metal work. check all his stuff out at xs650sendai.
mikedufo follows bM for some reason. i don’t know why. all the other sites he follows are so much better. thanks for believing, mike!
Griott’klub is some french dude wrenching and drinking wine with cheese like all french dudes do. seriously. you know it’s true. he’s also building this badass kawasaki z1000:
looking forward to updates on that one.
darryl randall follows three blogs; ardcore, the horse, and bikerMetric. flattery will get you nowhere, darryl. unless you’re handing me a cold beer as you do it. then i’ll listen until the beer is dry or i have to ****. whichever comes first.
i’m gonna guess swalker5906 likes suzuki gs450s. thanks for stopping by, man.
Paul M has no photo, no info and follows only bikerMetric. you know what we say about that around here…
TORO69 likes bullfights and licking ***** while his d**k is sucked. either that or he’s into **********. or he’s a taurus born in 1969. or maybe, he’s a spy!
Acid has an avatar of a skull and only follows bikerMetric. hm.
Mahipal Singh Vaghela is Paul M’s sidekick.
Mario G.H. is interested in philosophy but somehow became a computer programmer. i believe this is why he is an atheist. is it me or is atheism spiritual nihilism? why forsake our spirits for nothing in return? it isn’t that one must be muslim or christian or buddhist or worship gods from satan to ganesh. it’s that one leaves no magic to the world, believing all they experience is all there is and there is. is that a dangerous belief? does one place oneself above others if all there is becomes the self?
i don’t know. i tend to believe there is a power, conscious of me or not, that i can tap into for love, understanding, strength, and more. it usually happens when i stop forcing s**t, when i stop believing it’s all about me.
Dumal follows only bikerMetric and would have us believe he rides a black and purple chopper while wearing boots that bling like an uptown pimp. not that there’s anything wrong with that.
matt fobian, aka: mathias, is an airbrush artist. he has a sense of humor, works at a harley-type shop in austin, and has a clean website which profiles his work at mathiasairbrushing.com. he’s pretty good. watch him airbrush the famous johnny cash welcome photo onto a helmet in this video:
that’s it. thanks for your patronage, motherf***ers. here’s a new photo of that funky streamlined henderson motorbike:

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