pick the paint

pick the paint!

Got an email from Travis Bennington asking for bikerMetric’s help in picking the paint for the tank on his next build. Have a look!

The bike is going to be a 1981 CB750.  He’s going to base the tank art off of a painting he did. If his name sounds familiar, it’s because Trav’s already shared his SR250 bobber, his Yamaha 250 bobber, and his Virago 750 bobber.

Trav’s a registered Cherokee so he’s going with a native theme on his upcoming build. He’s 50-50 on using “The Angry Indian,” or “War Paint” – so, readers, what are your thoughts?

Let us know in the survey below or on social media!

The Angry Indian

War Paint

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  1. War Paint is pretty sick dude- Yella wolf would approve – SLUMERICAN MADE

  2. derek richardson

    War Paint for sure. Indian is (obviously) a motorcycle company so it’s a little odd to have on a Honda.

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