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now that was an interesting poll. for a while, 40% of all respondents chose “wtf is sentience?” i put up that choice as a joke but once i posted the definition of sentience, it quickly dropped and ended at only 15%. hm.

here are the rest of the answers regarding “sentience” in order given in the poll:

is an illusion: 7 (15%)
is malleable: 4 (9%)
is my dog at my feet: 0 (0%)
is my garden growing: 0 (0%)
wtf is sentience?: 7 (15%)
is my soul & lives forever: 10 (22%)
dies: 0 (0%)
is an accident: 2 (4%)
means we are infinite: 2 (4%)
is changing forms: 4 (9%)
staves off madness: 4 (9%)

what i gather from my readers is none of you have/or love dogs, my metaphors are too esoteric, most of you seem to believe that in one form or another, due to self-awareness, we become infinite, however malleable, and that possibly sentience is merely a concept we created from an accident that keeps us from killing ourselves and everybody else.

with the graphic above i’m stating that if sentience is generally thought of as illusionary, which logically leads to it’s malleability – and dogs and gardens – and therefore lives or dies depending on the sentient mind completing itself. it’s birth as accident has little to do with infinity and form and only constructs dreams that are labeled as either sane or mad in a circle of never-ending (mis)understanding.

the definitions of illusion. who says who is right until you hurt someone?


come back next time for the bikerMetric class on Existential Quantum Theory. oh wait. that happens here every day.

it wasn’t a very popular poll but i don’t try to lay s**t out for you that you expect or even want. remember a poll from january:

things i like about biker blogs:
out of the ordinary stuff: 25 (43%)
ones that make me think: 24 (41%)

48% of you wanted babes but i think i’m covering that so this week it’s beer.

big surprise.

now for cool motorcycle seats. first is by leadfist. i don’t know who created the others. please comment below if you do.

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  1. I believe the alloy and leather on id from Junk Motor in Japan. I’m pretty sure sentiance is the quality of awareness of the awareness unit. Once this cognition happens, or say, once the being can see itself in a mirror or reflected in the lake. it begins to control its environment with the use of tools and language.
    madness can be thought of as one reverting back to nature and losing concept of self and becoming animalistic thereby being controled by its invironment instead of the other way round.
    Jus say’n

  2. for whatever it’s worth, i struggled mightily between malleable and the dog. over the course of the week contemplated changing my answer daily. to my former k9 friends i would like to apologize for it was you who made me understand just how malleable sentience can be. blame trent for allowing us only one answer. it is with a whimsical yet rigid hand with which he rules this domain.

  3. thanks, len. i know some of the answers were relatively congruous between them, and tht being given one choice made it a very subjective choice. and that’s what i wanted. sentience is subjective. ha.

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