Hey. I apologize for being absent around here lately. Between Lombardi Gras, a tasty freelance design gig, and my day job, posting here has taken a back seat. Even so, it doesn’t mean I’m not working at new stuff for you guys.
First, if you remember, there was wrote a nice article about Terry Lee from Street Walker Exhaust and his CB750 chopper project a few months ago on the old Bikernet. He’s really busy and having some health issues so the bike is taking longer than he expected. Here is a peek of it taken from his mobile phone camera today:
According to Terry, “I just finished painting the tank & fender. In fact I just airbrushed the artwork on the side of the tank yesterday and it’s ready for the final clear coats. Took me a month to paint a **** tank and fender!”
Look for better photos and tons of info about this build in the next few days.
Also, I’ve been talking to guys from Ardcore Choppers but I may have freaked them out when I was drunk last Friday and emailed them some junk about football. I’ll make it up to them. Larry from Garage Company Customs is into doing an in-depth interview so look forward to that, mofos. Maybe we’ll get it done next week.
Additionally, Gabe from After Hours Choppers is struggling with a bout of pneumonia so our frightening interview with that madman is going to have to wait a bit. Get better, Gabe! Then let’s drink and have fun! If you guys haven’t clicked the link to After Hours’ website, you should. It’s knockers!
Lastly, I’ve been dealing with another, um, thing. Maybe it’s things. My woman works a nice, relatively square job with killer benefits and decent pay so she’s got it in her head she wants bigger *****. Today she had a consultation with a surgeon and they sent her home with a measuring cup and these special bags she filled with oatmeal (I kid you not) so she can test them by shoving them in her bra and walking around. I told her I was going to start using a new word for cool: Knockers.
“Hey baby. Why don’t you help me build my new bike instead?”
“***** first. Bikes later. Also, have you thought about what you can do with them when…”
Now you know what the deal is with that all of a sudden.
That’s for you, Gabe. See you guys tomorrow night for Friday’s Post of Cool Stuff. Kick *** until then and thanks for coming by.

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How Much is this Honda cb 750 chop bobbed