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can i get a free advertisement on bikerMetric?

We got an email the other day asking for some free publicity on bikerMetric. It was a new social media startup with zero dollars and zero hours invested. Not exactly what I’m about to throw free support to. If you want a plug, show you’ve got something to offer, and that you’re dedicated. We give out plenty of free promotions to folks who deserve it. Like the Busch Brothers for example. They do great stuff.

If you’ve been following the site for a while you’ve probably seen all kinds of builds from all kinds of independent builders from all over the world. Despite all of their differences the same motto keeps them afloat:

Those who can, build. Those who can’t, gotta pay.

The same thing applies to motorcycle sites. Trust me, bikerMetric is my second one. If you think you’re as good the Busch Brothers and deserve a free advertisement, give me a shout, otherwise you’re welcome to pay for it. Just contact me.

Ride safe!

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