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biltwell brodown with lowbrow and you

get yer hankerin’ fer pabst blue ribbons and cocktail weenies because it’s the 2nd annual brodown at the mainstay rock bar in downtown cincinnati, right across from the v-twin expo this saturday, february 5th from 8:00 p.m. ’til 2:00 a.m.

according to biltwell, “last year’s biltwell brodown was standing room only and the talk of the town. dandelion death is back and will rock your ***, so be prepared. if you are expecting a .38 special cover band and tassel salesmen, this ain’t it. if you are going to the v-twin expo, you should go to this. the band rules, kind of a mixture of gwar and the village people.”

there are free cocktails, snacks and product previews for dealers and distributors from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.

biltwell | exhaust kit supplier for the bikerMetric FREEDOM OR DEATH MACHINE

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  1. Where is the button for “this ******* sucks”. I never expected you to be promoting anything to do with the 20K, and 20 mile RUB V-twin crowd. Especially when the words “Village People” are used to describe the entertainment. Please tell me you have not sold out to the industrial machine “advertisers”
    TOOLS1 The disappointed.

  2. i get you, tools. i appreciate that you dig my fiercely indie mood here. i posted it for 3 reasons:

    1. biltwell sent me a killer exhaust kit when the FREEDOM OR DEATH MACHINE was being built last year and it was more than enough to make what i wanted. they also sent a ton of swag for the party i had in austin last june.

    2. lowbrow sent a ton of stuff, too, and in other ways have supported me and bikerMetric.

    3. i have readers from all over, including ohio and areas nearby. i would never go to the v-twin expo (notice there is no link) but if i was in cinci and wanted to party, the guys from biltwell and lowbrow are cool with me. they do tons for our community, metric and american, and i’ve got respect for ’em.

    lastly, a band that’s a mix of gwar and the village people sounds hysterical to me. i would check that out because if it sucks, you just get drunk anyway or scram.

    i can’t please everybody all the time, man. hope you dig where i’m coming from.

  3. GWAR and Village People – do they throw ****** feathers around?
    Entrails with glitter?

  4. another reason i posted it is that i’m slammed with other **** today and it was easy to toss up.

  5. Biltwell and LowBrow are good people. Gwar and Village People suck, but $5 drinks and eats would make it suck less, I guess. I’d go check it out if I was in Cincy.

  6. no man. village people suck. gwar blows. get it? together! um…. i don’t feel like researching cosmic string theory to prove some point about two bands whose entire creative output, if genius could be quantified, still wouldn’t power a aa battery for two minutes.

  7. so is the computer you wrote that on, dave.

    and your phone and your tv and your stereo and dvds…

    america is no longer a manufacturing country unless it’s automobiles (kinda) and war weaponry (totally).

    i love that you do everything by hand with only american-made parts. except your engines were made in england! say it ain’t so!

    ; )

    your “100% american built with american parts” is something to be proud of but i couldn’t have finished the ForD without that set of overseas-made pipes, which were very high quality and which included almost twice as many pieces as needed for our simple 2-into-1.

    love ya, man. if you’re going to gtp’s gig look out for my best friend mike. he’ll be riding his’05 v-rod down from phx.

  8. Jesus, I hope you guys all have TiVo when you watch tv so you can fast forward through the ads instead of having to sit on your thumbs so you don’t **** yourself with anger. Get over it. I’ll gladly take a couple advertisements here and there so Trent can feed himself enough to write up this awesome ****.

  9. this is all i do right now, chris. i’ve given up working for the man and now i’m striking out to be a mad biker poet.

    we’ll see if i become a sage or an outcast.

    thanks for your support. most whole-heartedly.

  10. The only reason I know they are made in Taiwan is I just got one of their seat hinges. It’s really nice, but i was a bit surprised to see where is is made. But I can’t fault them too much, they are a small manufacturer and sometimes that is what you have to do. The other option would be to have them made here, so either **** quality (to keep manufacturing cost down) or an insane price to keep quality up.
    catch 22

  11. i’ve never heard anybody say anything from them was ****. i was lucky that fabkev donated a seat hinge, as it was 100% american-made but it costs quite a bit more than biltwell. depending on your budget, that extra $50 could be a lot. also depending on your allegiances, $50 is worth it.

    i think it’s the hardest thing to deal with in our industry, and especially on bM because i promote the cheapest, toughest, coolest bikes, and i promote them from all around the world. americans have to come to grips with the fact that american-made basically costs twice as much.

    it did not used to be that way.

    i blame the bankers but won’t rant off on that except to say they are trying to lower our wages while raising those in other countries, and our government is on board because what do they care? they’re millionaires already.

    i just don’t want **** from china. commie bastards.

  12. Biltwell and Lowbrow throw this party as an “anti v-twin expo” sort of thing. ****, they didn’t even have a booth inside the convention center this year! They gave the bar owners a few extra bucks so they could set up shop in there for a few hours to feature their product. It’s a fun party, who ******* cares what they sell or where it’s made.

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