last year i discovered this event at the last minute.
for those out portland way, you have until friday to get your sh*t together and motor over to the one motorcycle show where there will be live music, 21 custom “adapted” helmets, awards, and if i am not mistaken, beer. maybe coffee. probably both.
there will be over two dozen builders from a wide range of styles showing off, including the makers of the first american bike to win the isle of man tt race since 1911, if i am not mistaken, and it averaged 100 miles per hour (161kph). this is the bike; a battery-powered, 125 horsepower, 250 lb/ft of torque monster:
take that, limey bastards!
here are a few more bikes – some with their builders – that you will see if you go to this free f***ing shindig.
slick. i like that one so much it deserves a…
here are more killer metric motor scooters from the pacific northwest >>
check out that builder’s site at go faster.
here is the poster.
madmen will be everywhere.

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Enjoy the weird.
Get rained on.
Dig some goofy rad bikes…
Stoked you chose a pic of my bike, the honda with belly pan. This year we have a few more in the show. Look for twinline at the one show.
my pleasure, man. thanks for the comment. gave me the opportunity to find your blog and link to it under your bike.
i’m a fan of belly scoops. on a cafe, it makes it stand out from the herd of homogeneous ****. what is it, a cm400?
i’ve posted twinline bikes a few times ( i like ’em. if you guys email pix & build info every once in a while, i’m likely to post it for my 18 regular readers.