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tear out your rear-view mirrors

too many books leaning in one direction
skull-faced boxes screaming ex-girlfriend rage and the secrets of the torn-out pages of daddy’s little spanking book
i light my pipe and smoke

is mentioning a mobile phone cool in 2012
’cause mine is turned off and faced upside down
’cause i could care less who is trying to call me now
as if anybody was

this is the wisdom of the master of malt liqour
the pimp of the grand prix
supported by women who believe my insanity is worth something
speeding as i contemplate beer koozies
we did not need them in montana and they intrigue me in louisiana
should they be black with a gold fleur de lis
hidden from the sun
or white
with a hangman’s noose and fire breathing oxygen like a california fad

caring what others think is the death of your spirit
believing what i say may be the same
except i am not asking for your money or your vote
remember the white noose and drink your beer
prepare for revolution and the dream of respect
the opinions of mankind require they should declare the causes which impel them to rebel

i must fight

so f*** you
yes you
what are you doing
burger king banker
ground bones eaten with sliced pickles
whitewashed tombs forgotten at 2.99
beautiful and full of the bones of the dead
in your tummy
you are killing everybody

the powerful vision i seem to dwell within compels me
greed will erase your soul
lies will take years from your life
prayers for those who hurt you heal everybody
and forgiveness is immortality

life speaks our deeds to the cosmos
which will also die and become something else
lest we forget
and enjoy our porsche

go fast
it’s the only way for you.

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One comment

  1. Nice one Trent! ヅ

    by the way, Robby has just posted the part 2 of his CHOPPER BUILDING, you may want to check it @


    Thanks! ヅ

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