it’s way past bedtime but i decided to do what i haven’t done in a long time and surf the freaking internet until something i hadn’t seen before appeared.
this creation of self-expression and necessity presented itself to my weary eyes and drove me to work for two more hours.
“buzz,” said the bee to the flower.
the site these images were found on is fotoduda and photographer michał dudziński, proprietor of aforementioned website, is pretty good with real world shots.
was that trucker girl-adorned cover once a cowbell?
fotoduda is not a bunch of perfectly-lit studio ****. he takes his pix on the fly and most of them are motorbike related. michał has a great eye and much of his work imparts a vision rarely seen. i only wish he posted photos of the entire right and left side of this mad rat machine.
while being a great photographer, he doesn’t have much to say about his subjects, and the only thing i can impart to you about these photos that can’t be plainly seen is the engine was yoinked from a volkswagen golf. i suspect it’s an old motor; 1800cc with about 150 horsepower 1600cc turbo diesel (no wires and turbocharger on the left).
[EDIT: 01.10.11]
did some research to discover more photos of this bike. still do not know who built it.
it’s a freaking post-apocalyptic motomachine. it isn’t steampunk. steampunk is overly complicated as if rube goldberg had gears and brass. what you see here is the future. artistic style is not excluded because there is nothing superfluous. the design is functional and raw.
[UPDATE: 01.13.11]
received an email from woody (see comments below) with a ton of links about this bike.
the box at the end of the drive at the rear wheel is supposedly an off-the-shelf product the builder bought at a farm supply store.
as he commented, the builder has done this before. i may post in the next week the first of his vw diesel motorbikes. for now, here are a couple more pix of this one, built by the soon-to-be-legendary stephan sanderse from holland:
thanks, woody!

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To be more precise, it’s a 1.6 liter turbo’d diesel. No plugs, no point, no wires. And he’s built 2 of them. Pics of the other side are readily available.
To be more precise, it’s a 1.6 liter non-turbo diesel.
my email is on the bottom bar of every page on bikerMetric, woody. please let me know where i can find more pix and info about the bike and builder.
i thought it may be a diesel because i saw no wires, but also thought they may be well hidden. i have learned that photos often do not tell the entire story about a bike and often conceal more truth than they reveal.
70 hp and 95 ft/lbs of torque is nice. and diesel motors are apocalypse engines because they can be run on “green” resources. excellent..
woody…don’t bogart that joint man! Glad you have the 411 but how about sharing mate?
re the bike in question: one word: Gimme.
However, what does one wear to ride this brute? Any other bike it’d be my steel-toed boots, some ratty pair of jeans a dead cow across my shoulders and a lid ‘cuz my face it too pretty too get beat up.
This thing though, I’d have to start riveting hubcaps and tire tread armor to my jacket, maybe add some leg armor and a mohawk to an old football helmet…..or something.
Thanks for more pics of this brute!
Where is the turbo? All I see is two pipes coming straight out of the exhaust.
Yea ! Where’s the turbo ?
I see a filter intake going strait to the intake ports on the head ! No turbo here !
It has a dutch license plates.
AlthoughI do prefer lighter bikes: This is insane and incredibly cool! Seen a feature in a mag and i couldn’t believe it! Great build!
One of the most creative and inspiring custom builds I’ve ever seen. I’d buy it in a heartbeat to compliment my Valkyrie custom. Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love the design! He could build me one tomorrow and I would pay him good!!!!!
ask florisvelthuisphotography …he did a shoot on this 1.6 liter golf dieselengined bobber …I know he lives in limburg the owner / builder of this bike because I’ve bought his old Van an old transit MK1 ex firedept. with yes a diesel conversion org. done by him …but I have did an engine swap later on for a newer model diesel
hope this helps …in this old topic
cheers philip
Thats an N/A 1.6 VW diesel. they were about 40hp, 23-1 compression. I have one in an early 90s jetta. I get 48mpg on the highway but I bet this guy does way better than that without all the jetta weight.
May i know bike price and now bike location please