Home / sick with the flu so i took on 49 baboons in a fight armed only with a giant *****

sick with the flu so i took on 49 baboons in a fight armed only with a giant *****

All right guys, sorry I haven’t been around much the past few days and when I am, I’m sometimes a sarcastic ***. The flu makes me mad. It’s been like drinking a case of Lone Star beer every six hours for a few days and then waking up. Everything blows. Everything.

So while I get my head straight and try to put together something about metric motorcycles that might interest you, I’ll have you know that…

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  1. **** dude, i could only take on 26.

  2. man, you’re still badass. that’s 75 baboons between the two of us. that’s a lot of ******* baboons. you know they’re afraid in the baboon forums.

    you know what PETA stands for? People for the Eating of Tasty Animals. not that i’d eat a baboon. unless it was a week after armageddon or something and i still had fluid in my zippo. then, probably. bet they would taste like chicken.

    or people.

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