There seems to be a big splash of custom Yamaha Viragos online this week. Thought I’d do a little research and find some other bikes and additional info beyond what you may have seen.
First is the following bike, a 1981 Virago 750 v-twin built by a Dane named Engelbert Visscher. He wanted this bike to be a tribute to Zero-style bikes.
Next is another similar bike I found on MPOTD.
With the success of the 750 Virago, the first Japanese v-twin, Yamaha decided to produce additional versions in 500, 920, and 1100 ccs. In 1988, the XV250, sometimes known as the Route 66, was introduced for entry-level riders. Here are a couple of nice little 250 bobbers from Gravel Crew in the land of the rising sun.

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