first, i’ve got alex chopperbuilder’s latest techTip installment on how to build your custom motorcycle frame. look for that this weekend. it’s a good one. they all are.
now to crack this case.
thanks to a our new advertisers this month, bikerMetric has been able to advertise itself and it’s paid off. in the past week over 2,000 readers a day (1,500 unique) have dropped by and read over 30,000 pages. that’s relatively amazing. i’ve seen bumps in traffic that last two or three days and then it goes back to a little more then it was. after almost 10 months since i set out independently to produce bM, i know when there’s a rise that’s going to stick, and this past week is sticky like krazy glue. seriously. my welding mask is stuck to an i-beam and i’m 90 feet in the air.
all right…. it’s the metal plate in my head and a freak magnetic accident, but you get the point.
in all, this metric madhouse has grown 40% in the past month. therefore, with the rise in readership, i have no choice but to make threats:
ad rates are going to rise on monday, april 3rd. there is only one $30 for 30 days ad space left and everyone on it digs the results they’re getting. snag the last one before it becomes $45.
if you want more than a little banner ad and one post about your biz, you can currently get a six-month package for only $100 a month, paid in advance. for multiple posts in 30 days with a large banner, it’s only $130. i’ve also got a three-month plan for $350.
here is what dime city cycles has discovered in their short partnership with bikerMetric:
In a strained economy it’s difficult to let go of precious dollars that can be put into shop tools, inventory, and other hard goods with tangible ROI. That’s the crux of the matter and Trent Reker from bikerMetric is helping the crew at Dime City Cycles realize that. As technology continues to progress and people are plugged in with iPads, Android phones, and other on-the-go digital devices, the mechanisms in which businesses reach their clients must change and adapt. Otherwise the result is simple; loss the revenue and market share.
By partnering with Trent and bM online, Dime City Cycles plans to reach an entirely new audience, that of the Generation-X and the upcoming Gen-Y’ers, who will be responsible for economic growth in the next 5 to 10 years. Trent not only understands this and is investing ahead of the curve, he also knows how to keeps things real and legit, which is important to Dime City.
Although Trent can be a little “out there” at times, we’re appreciators of his Hunter S. Tompsonesque style and we know it takes a cold slap in the face to wake people up to see what’s really going on around them. The phenomenal growth of his young site attests to his vision, which in our case is a garage revival of vintage speed machines.
Partnering with Trent immediately brought us new customers who told us “I found you on bikerMetric.” He gets the DCC stamp of approval. He’s the real deal, he knows how to get down to the brass tacks, and he delivers.
seriously, motherf***ers. you can’t get in front of 60,000 pair of eyeballs with 150,000 pageviews and ad impressions in 30 days for anywhere near a hundred bucks online. in print? ha! try an ad sandwiched between three (or seven) others for $500+ while you get anywhere between 20,000 and 100,000 readers who still have to turn on their computer, open their browser, and type in your url while you hope they don’t become distracted or b**ched at by a kid or a woman.
with bikerMetric your new customer is just a click away. strike now while the iron is hot, like these lovely ladies and the endless stream of kickass metric motorbikes from around the world presented daily for your viewing pleasure. that, or suck the dirt of a dying generation.
the days of the sears catalog from that generation’s childhood is over. it’s all online. and for you, it’s on bikerMetric:
finally, there’s my cabal’s TOP SECRET plan for world domination coming in may. all who pay up before april 3rd will be promoted with this venture at no extra cost to you, my trusted partners.
that means more exposure, more customers, and more money to buy guns, ammo, and non-perishable food items to fight the corporate police state.
or you could buy beer. bikerMetric will help you buy more beer. ’cause gotta have beer.

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This site is for posers, by posers.
and the occasional anonymous coward.
Is that a possible wardrobe malfunction in the first pic? LOL
you mean the coloured hand warmer Rockdog or that she’s still got the tshirt on???? As for the gutless coward, get on your peewee50 and go home… come back when you can appreciate style, taste, rockin bikes and some funny **** writing
Posers? i think not……mr anonymous, get back to fiddling with urself….moron
**** anonymous said!!
posers? posers posing? or posers pre-pose ans post pose? posed?
pissant anonymous.