Jon at Monster Craftsman from PA makes the tightest, strongest, and most affordable chain tensioners you can put on your bike.
I’ve known Jon for about six months now and the testimonies I hear from folks who get his chain tensioners all speak of very high quality.
Monster Craftsman chain tensioners are made in the USA and each is:
• Water-jetted to exacting tolerances
• Professionally TIG welded
• Made with heavy duty drive sprockets with sealed bearings
• Made with stainless steel torsion springs
• Shipped with stainless steel hardware
He also sells Biltwell stuff such as helmets (novelty and DOT), lighting, Elswick frames, and a lot more.
Since it’s winter and most of you are stuck inside because riding at 20 degrees kind of sucks, what are you going to do? Why not bolt or weld on a kickass chain tensioner?
Besides the solid sprocket style, Monster Craftsman has old school skate wheel chain tensioners made with heavy duty Polyurethane rollers and high-end Powell Peralta re-issue skateboard wheels.
Visit Monster Craftsman, tell Jon you heard about his tight chain tensioners on bikerMetric and get 10% off your order.

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