I don’t hate these guys, but they’re coming off as elitist corporate w*****. Appearing in American Express commercials this summer and shamelessly promoting themselves for months on end with every bike they build (only two so far), I wonder when they have time to create their third six-figure status symbol for somebody who will let Falcon keep it to ceaselessly promote themselves. That must be why each cycle takes two years to complete.
Why buy a bike and let the builder keep it to enhance their own brand recognition? Seems the buyer ought to get paid instead of the other way around.
With all due respect to the esteemed Jason Lee, who actually took home his bike, wouldn’t it be great to build bikes for millionaire suckers who pay 100 hundred grand to purchase but never take possession of? What a deal. I want that gig!
Here’s their latest bit of propaganda marketing material. No discernible oil leak this time.
Their next bike is going to be a 1951 Vincent Black Shadow and according to the Falcon website it’s slated for completion…. last month.
Hence the video above so you so don’t forget about how cool Falcon is!
I wonder what you guys think of Falcon. Overpriced and overhyped or unique and properly valued rideable art?

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This is where art and motorcycles collide. They sell art in the form of a motorcycle. I prefer motorcycles as machines. Whatever you call them they are bound by the laws of physics. I suspect the drip you see there is a product of crankcase ventilation they have to vent and most custom bikes route that to the ground somewhere. Cars and stock bikes sent that back through combustion process because they’re bound by emission laws. So on the subject of the leak perhaps a little harsh but hey it’s you’re site and it’s an op-ed…
On the subject of price and exposure you have to put the bike in the frame of art not machine. I think people are paying them for art and to say I have a one off piece of rolling art. They would balk at my take on it but what else explains the price? In my mind, weak as it is, they live and operate in a different world than I do. The only thing we have in common is a vehicle with two wheels. Mine comes from a dirty garage with the intent of tearing across the country side with tents tied to it. Theirs comes from a studio with the intent of being a conversation piece for the owner and friends, if it gets ridden that’s a bonus. I guess based on this posting they were effective.