all right, motherf**ers. i know 50 of you haven’t gotten your stickers yet and it’s my fault. my ho, our turbodog and i have been living in a hotel in new orleans for over six weeks as we sought suitable living conditions where we could f**k and argue loudly without 20 people calling security on our *****.
now we can do that! and the neighbors don’t care! i’m not up in their grills for dealing crack on the corner or using our garbage bin for their 24 ounce “beer” cans. it’s a symbiotic relationship and much better than if they were dropping **** on the sidewalk. i appreciate the extra effort.
meanwhile, we have no furniture or appliances and our days are largely taken by paths that lead to used stuff we hope works properly and doesn’t have blood stains on it or smell like a million farts. so wait for your free stickers. they’ll hit the mailbox like an overdue power bill – late.
in the meantime, dig this little chopper. it’s another from the cats at afs custom. the motor is a sym wolf 125 cc single and the bike is called the assassin.
despite what seems to be a huge language barrier, i was able to receive the following build information:
make & model:sym wolf 125
build time:2 months
pipes:afs custom bikes
frame:afs custom bikes
forks:afs custom bikes
front wheel:21 x 1.85
rear wheel:18 x 2.15
fuel tank :afs custom bikes
fenders:afs custom bikes
handlebars:afs custom bikes
paint & pinstripe:zhi-jie zheng
seat:fire explorer handcraft leather co.
it’s an incredibly clean and kickass little chopper. thanks for the pix and info, afs.

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Nice pin striping too! Good work!
Wow! I love this bike. Exactly what I have been looking for. Just wish it was possible to get it in Spain… :(
Yeah whatever it’s a bike seen them and by **** it’s a gem
cool bike, stupidest ******* license plate placement I’ve ever seen.
that wasn’t a very nice ******* thing to post, zyon.
i’ve seen fenders hang lower on many customs when every **** and harry had one in 2003 and it isn’t nearly as ugly as this 300mm rear tire monstrosity from your website:
the plate placement may not be your style, but if you think that hideous john deere thing is cool in any way, i doubt you have style at all.
I think the Deere bike is interesting, not that I’d plunk down the cash to own it. I also stated on my blog that I did not really like the big tire. I have never been a fan of bloated tires as they ride like ****. My personal bike has a 180, which is enough for me.
Attaching a licensee plate to a bar and hanging it out there from nowhere is just tacky in my opinion… which is what it is…my opinion. I understand why it was done….not much room to put it elsewhere.
Its cool to know you went digging through my blog to find a bike you didn’t like. Wouldn’t it have been easier to just bash my personal bike?
This bike is really cool and I’d absolutely love to own it. However, I’d yank the bracket off and relocate the plate. So now you can get your panties untwisted and stop being offended by anonymous internet opinions. Seriously!
i had a bet with some friends that you’d flatter yourself because i linked to your blog. i love free beer. seriously. thanks for visiting mine and doing it over and over. as for your bike…. what bike?
I love small displacements customs like this, cool and practical, awesome job afs!!
Hi pleaee tell were I can buy this bike cheers jim England
Hi please
tell were I can buy this bike cheers jim England