i found this bike and brit bike builder shaun last july. he’s sent me some cool stuff and kept me up to date on his builds, which seem immaculate.
according to shaun, he built the frame from scratch and fabricated most of this motorbike.
he says he got fed up with “all the sh*t in the uk.” seems there still exists a crowd that says “if it’s not a harley, it’s no good.” when will they ever learn? shaun finds that attitude a bit sad but this bike makes him smile.
“f**k them. i like to build what i like,” he told me. here is his shiny and immaculate yamaha xs650 bobber.
indeed, shaun made most everything on this bike, including the frame, the bars, the fender, every mount, the oil bag, the battery box, the exhaust, gas tank, and all the foot controls.
seems he built and sold this to get his triumph on the road and into a new shop with a buddy you can find online at vonspeed, where you can see the in-progress photos of a bmw cafe racer, a 500 triumph, and his pre-unit 650 trump.
thanks for the pix and info, shaun. your xs bobber is really a looker.
you guys can check more of his stuff out at bobbed to the bone.

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