Home / Uncategorized / new guys new guys… what rhymes with new guys? blue eyes? no that’s sounds a bit too white power. glue hives? yeah! new guys new guys motherf***ing glue hives!

new guys new guys… what rhymes with new guys? blue eyes? no that’s sounds a bit too white power. glue hives? yeah! new guys new guys motherf***ing glue hives!

once again, i tip my derby hat to my readers. you guys made a big impact with the “the bad hub i sold you isn’t my problem” post. it was the first instance of bikerMetric activism in our short history. do not think it will be the last. thank you all for helping a talented builder who still has a day job keep doing what he loves by contacting the company who seemed intent on either ripping him off or making it very difficult (and expensive) for him to be refunded on a faulty part. thank you thank you thank you!

for those of you thinking of advertising on this site, you see now what kind of readers drop by. they are loyal, caring, and genuinely serious about our little metric motorbike community. bikerMetric readers are the kind of people you want to have your back and they would be excellent customers.

it’s been good week with eight new members in six days. that’s kinda cool so onward with the noobs!

mat: i believe mat is polish and he likes all kinds of bikes. through the sites he follows i found this:

old thumper racer via klimaciarnia

piper: likes bicycles and outdoor activities. piper follows MotArt and joined after frank posted my wacky interview. thanks for the follow, piper.

kate norton: kate is from london and we have been facbook “friends” for almost three months. she’s nothing but a sweetheart and digs motorbikes of all sorts. i didn’t know the horse had a blog but i found she was following it. they’ve been online with it since december, i think. here is something cool you can find on it:

the horse backstreet choppers art by rob

you really must check it out the horse’s blog. it’s got stuff you won’t find in the magazine. thanks, kate!

motorista: i believe motorista is a spaniard and likes cafe racers. here is one for you!

snagged this yamaha xs650 cafe from xs650chopper

nam nguyen: i am going to guess that nam is vietnamese since everybody i’ve ever met named nguyen has been. he digs everything custom motorbike from around the world. welcome to our little metric hidey hole, nam.

Moto Freako (aka BlackCountryBiker): bM got one more “disenchanted city boy” into vintage dirt-track racing, speedway racing, mountain biking, custom bicycles, music, photography and whatever floats his carburetor. check out his cool blog at blackcountrybiker.

Drew: this guy follows two blogs and one is ours. he’s from manchester, uk and has been building a yamaha xs400 flat tracker since november. you can follow the progress on his informative blog at xs400flattracker.

Bjorn81: bjorn! i’ve found myself on your blog many times. bjorn also has a website where he sells stuff. some of it is mexican wrestling related, kinda, but he also sells smoothies, chocolates, and pastries. yes, smoothies. bjorn has a nordic name, he writes in french, loves mexican wrestling culture, and sweets. i’m not sure i understand all he’s got going on, but it’s pretty interesting.

to wrap this up, let me remind you all to visit the horse’s blog! seriously. you’ll be glad you did

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  1. Nice touch BM… and thanks for the link. Keep telling it like it is, the World needs more people like you.

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