… and nobody told me! ****. I’ve really lost my touch. Not that I’d have drank more beer, but I’d have probably sought out more brews to taste beyond the standard six or so I enjoy regularly.
So here are a few brews I suggest you try tonight if you’ve got the time, money, inclination, and/or bravery:
+ Turbodog (Abita): A flavorful American-style nut brown ale with caramel, toffee, and toasted cocoa flavors. 5.6% alcohol by volume (ABV).
+ Grande Reserve (Chimay): A top fermented Trappist beer, refermented in the bottle. It has a subtle cherry flavor and a very nice alcohol warmth with candied sugar. 9% ABV and not one to chug.
+ Abbey Grand Cru (New Belgium): A classic Abbey ale with more flavor than you can shake your fist at. Not that you shouldn’t, as fist shaking is a tradition in many a pub. It’s sweet with a deeply fermented fruit taste. Yum! The Grand Cru is also 9.5% ABV.

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