It’s been six weeks since a cool stuff post. Between the madness I incited within my life four weeks ago and just being really busy with freelance graphic design and writing gigs (thanks Jon and Uwe), friday’s post of cool stuff has been put on the back burner.
Thanks, Southsiders!
I emailed the Wrenchmonkees and received a kind response from Andreas. Maybe we’ll have an interview with him in the not too distant future.
Any good cool post needs beer. Get yer fix now:
Show me two men who agree on everything and I will show you one man who cannot think for himself. Somebody said that before me.
tell everybody waiting for a superman that they should try to hold on the best they can. he hasn’t dropped them, forgot or anything. it’s just too heavy for superman to lift.
oh, the weight it must be light where ever you are.
is it overwhelming to use a crane to crush a fly?
sometimes i get drunk and stoned and listen to music and cry.
i’ve lived all over the world. i’ve left every place.
Peace, my brothers and sisters. Thank you for coming around. There are so many things I wish to share with you. Music and poetry and beer and *** and death and kickass metric motorcycles. Love. ***. Wind and earthquakes. Hurricanes. Disappointment. Anger. Broken stuff. Forgiveness…
Don’t take cool stuff posts too seriously. Today’s poetry corner was brought to you with random song lyrics by Trespassers William, the Flaming Lips, David Bowie and the fellaheen.
Boogie woogie goo goo ga-joob and come together. Right now…

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