Home / Friday's Post of Cool Stuff / friday’s post of cool stuff #22

friday’s post of cool stuff #22

Really digging ChopCult lately. Meeting cool dudes and wasting too much time. It’s a great networking tool and sometimes I find something cool that ends up here. It’s also run by the guys at Biltwell, and they sent us their kickass exhaust kit for getting pimped on bikerMetric, so yay for them and hooray for ChopCult!

This is only the second trike I’ve posted here, but I just worked 26 hours straight and have had three hours of sleep so I could be wrong. I believe I found it today after scanning stuff from our latest FNG, Rowan! Welcome, Rowan. It’s good to have you around.

I also found some nifty code on his blog that I thought I’d give a whack at this weekend. It will crawl all our pages tonight and we’ll see if the results below the posts are relevant. Feel free to comment if you like it or don’t. I could go either way so far.

Now for something completely different:

Nothing screams “serial rapist” quite like that van. HELP WANTED? Hysterical. Bet he’s in the Walmart right now to buy cheap booze and ogle knives and firearms.

Ahh. That’s better.

So, say you’ve just been murdered. How do you want to be remembered?

How about being embalmed on your crotch rocket?

Didn’t Roy Rogers embalm his horse, Trigger? Now you can get embalmed on your mechanical horse, and one-up that crazy old cowboy.

I’m not sure I’m liking where tonight’s post is going. Maybe the lack of sleep is getting to me. I know what will help!

Babes and beer! F**K YEAH!


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