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flyrite double-motor norton and the second amendment

two-engine norton bobber | flyrite
double-motored norton bobber | flyrite

Not much info about this bike (yet), except it’s called “Double Trouble,” was built by Flyrite, looks pretty kick ***, and is for sale. Wonder what it sounds like. When my still-healing arm is strong enough to ride, I’m cruising the FREEDOM OR DEATH Machine out to their shop.

The hot woman with the pistol to your left is there to remind you that the Second Amendment is still alive, thanks to a 5-4 vote of the Supreme Court today, where the right to bear arms was upheld not only on a federal level, but states and local laws must grant us this right so important, only free speech is brought up before it in our Constitution.

Yes, people die by gunshot with great frequency in the USA, but I contend that it is not the founder’s fault. Rather, our violent nature is rooted within the fact that we dwell in a bi-polar society founded by philosophical revolutionaries who stood on the foundations built first by strict puritanical thought. Our culture is Jesus and ****, *** and death, Mother’s Day and w*****, coke and Paxil. It’s enough to drive anybody nuts. It isn’t the guns, it’s us.

Besides, knowing we’re loaded with drugs, **** and automatic pistols keeps the corporations who rule our government on their toes, lest we get filled with their lies, rally together and hurt them all. Halliburton. bp. Goldman-Sachs…

“Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead.” – Charles Bukowski


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