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cemeteries and other stuff near my home

february is the coldest month of the year but last week it was 75 degrees in new orleans. i mention this and show cemetery pix from two locations near my home because i’m feeling simultaneously reverent while wanting to stick it to all you corporate men sitting in a cubicle on a monday.

you’re slowly dying inside where your soul cries out under humming fluorescent light created by **** doctors to numb the mind as you enrich billionaires who could give a sh*t about you, and who will charge you to clean it up. suckers. enjoy your new hdtv and honda coupe. see what *** thinks of them when you are dead.

this is st. vincent de paul cemetery. there are tombs here which were erected over 160 years ago:

the following images were taken at the famous st. roch cemetery, named after the patron saint of miraculous cures. an altar room is found there, filled with marble “thank you” tiles, plaster casts of healed feet, hands, polio braces, glass eyeballs, and more are carefully laid about by those who were miraculously cured through their faith.

i was wandering about the cemetery for three hours and could have easily spent another hour or more. next time. when i have a better camera…

when i was there, the shrine was closed, and i purloined these two photos somewhere months ago, but have not attributed them due to being unable to discover the name of the photo-grapher or my own laziness.

here is one taken in the days following katrina. compare it to the next photo and i’ll guess the water was about four-and-one-half feet deep.

here are a few more of the hundreds of photos i took that day:

there are also some amazing marble sculptures of “the stations of the cross.” many were gated but i managed to get my camera through the gates to obtain a few decent photos. the rest were open. here are a few:

christ could not carry his own cross. can we carry ours?

see the naked and mummified body behind the glass under the statue?

then i went for a walk around the neighborhood.

hotdigitydamn! you know darned well after seeing the signs on this establishment’s wall that i walked into that bar and had a great time. ate some grub, too.

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  1. next time you visit, let’s ride around and i will show you so much more, david. peace out, ************!

  2. Awesome, nice to see someone else who enjoys photographing cemeteries.

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