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******** polluters

can’t take this any more! i’m not even going to bother with the f***ing shift key for this. f**k british petroleum. they have ruined a large portion of our shores, entire communities, entire industries, family businesses 150 years old. dreams. gone. lives ruined.

now the unemployed fishing industry people have to work for bp, who is telling them to shut up and clean up what bp did that destroyed the dreams and lives of their new employees. probably forever. maybe not if obama isn’t lying.

i’m crying about this and i can’t be silent any longer. we were there for katrina. we saw what corruption, greed and lies wrought upon the most amazing city in america. we saw the death. we smelled it. we walked over it. we trudged along with two hundred bucks begging for somebody to stop and take us to a place where our cell phones would work. vroom. we cursed and prayed and were saved.

and this is worse. please take the time to watch this ten minute documentary. if you say nothing, you are the worst of all corporate w*****. say something. fight. the time is coming where we will have to choose between what is right and what is money. which one are you?

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