Let’s face it. Every motorcycle owner has heard how dangerous motorcycles are. Euphemisms like ‘donor-cycle’ are abound. But you’ve always loved the powerful vibration under you, the roar of the engine, and the freedom of movement afforded you when you need to get from Point A to Point B in a rush. But are motorcycles really more dangerous than cars?
You might be wondering whether motorcycle riders truly face a higher risk of injury or death in a crash than drivers of cars or trucks and how you can enjoy your ride while staying safe. In this article, we’ll look at the question in more detail. When you’re finished reading, you will have the answer to your question: Are motorcycles really more dangerous than cars?
According to the Hurt Report, annual fatalities of motorcycle riders continue to increase significantly, compared to accidents and deaths in other types of vehicles. The report also found that:
- Most single-vehicle motorcycle accidents were caused by the fact that riders don’t understand their own abilities. They tend to drive too fast, take curves incorrectly and brake at the wrong times.
- Half of all accidents are caused by driving under the influence.
- Wearing protective, durable riding gear is helpful in significantly lessening and preventing injuries.
- Drivers of large vehicles often do not see motorcyclists, and change lanes or turn into the path of a fast moving motorcycle.
- Few motorcycle accidents are attributed to bad road conditions, equipment failure and weather.
Are motorcycles really more dangerous than cars? How you can make it safer.
- In 2017, one-hundred and fourteen thousand serious motorcycle accidents occurred, resulting in property damage and injuries.
- One third of motorcycle accidents are caused by drug or drunk driving, while 35% involve motorcycle speeding.
- Only 60% of riders use helmets, and helmets might have prevented nearly 1,000 fatalities last year.
All things taken into account, many people consider motorcycles to be more dangerous than cars. But if you read the statements from the Hurt Report, there’s much you can do as a motorcycle rider to enjoy a safer ride. In the 30+ years since the report was published, motorcycle engineering has changed to include safety features to keep you safe on the road.
Additionally, some of the things you can do to change the perception and safely answer the question ‘Are motorcycles really more dangerous than cars?’ with a big NO, is to:
- Get to know your motorcycle well. Attend defensive driving courses.
- Commit to never driving under the influence.
- Never exceed the speed limit.
- Learn what it takes to drive safely in any climate, weather condition and learn how to navigate bad road conditions.
- Take good care of your motorcycle and service it regularly to prevent mechanical equipment failure.
- Take precautions to ensure that you are visible to drivers of large vehicles.
- Always wear approved riding gear.
Riding long distances across the states on a motorcycle can be physically exhausting and dangerous. Next time you need to move your motorcycle across great distances, consider shipping your bike instead.
So what do you think: Are motorcycles really more dangerous than cars, or is there much you can do to ensure your safety on the road?

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