a couple days ago i received an email from my friend frank from motart. his buddy franck samery had just released his first issue of bigbore magazine and he was wondering if i’d show his pal some lovin’. for mr. charriaut, any time. plus, franck is another bM fb member so i was glad to help promote his latest venture.
franck has done this himself. as a graphic designer, he takes a humble amount of pride (yes that is contradictory but aren’t we all?) in stating that it is his baby and all the work was done by his hand. he also is not “a journalist sitting in front of a f***ing computer,” as he told me, and the mag is made by riders, for riders. franck is a garage builder himself and he shared that “people need to feel motorcycles to understand them.” it is with this in mind that he created bigbore.
i would have advised another name, but it’s not my mag and nobody asked.
the magazine is focused on vintage motorbikes. it’s not a tiny one, either. bigbore is tabloid size in full color and is written in both french and english with cool pictures and articles.
the first issue has an exclusive interview from multi-world champion grand prix motorcycle road racer giacomo agostini, an article about ian barry of falcon motorcycles with photos of his bikes, a wla bobber (a ww2-era harley made for the army), a piece about the wrenchmonkees, bonneville speed racer and 2008 ama female rider of the year leslie porterfield, a nice history of the 1955 triumph t110, and paul d’orleans explains his passion for vintage bikes.
that’s a lot of stuff for vintage motorcycle fans. i’m feeling it, man.
frank will publish five issues a year for only €20 ($28) and worldwide shipping is free because franck is so cool.
lastly, franck tells me that if you have an interesting story to tell, send him pictures and articles and he will publish it.
best wishes to you and bigbore, monsieur!
check out and order bigbore magazine here >>

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