found these japanese cats and this build on bubble visor. they’re called stoop and while they do mostly harley stuff, this incredibly interesting royal enfield is worth checking out.
if my japanese translation is correct, there were arguments and much tension over the build. seems some of the mechanicals were “too messy.”
there are more close-up photos on both bubble visor and stoop.

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A drag slick on a 25 horsepower bike makes me giggle a little.
If rather a bike be “to messy” then perfect, it’s a machine build for riding not looking at… I agree with David btw and is that a pin striped garbage can in the left top corner?!?
i’m working on a little piece about some guys who build a $750 cafe kit for enfields. skinny tires and i think fiberglass parts (tank, seat). that would probably shave off 40 lbs.
this bike just oozes style. Maybe its not the fastest but it looks **** near perfect.