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still burning…

More pix from Austin:

serial rapist indie band travel truck at emo's
more of that leaky royal enfield bob
yamaha sr400 tracker | reynal

That last photo is from the Japanese shop Reynal. Here is their blog in Google Translate form.

Finished the interview with Jon Ard of Ardcore Choppers. Man, that guy is a hoot. You want an opinion? Yer gonna git it! Look for that coming next week when I’m slammed with SXSW doing my door/bounce gig on 6th street 14 hours a day and have only ten minutes to post something in the evening before I crash.

The reunited Soundgarden is doing a “secret” show at a club around the corner. I’m trying hard to get in. If I do, be ready for some crazy photos and a delirious blog post. If not, oh well. Man. It’s hard to believe I last saw them play 16 years ago. F**k. I’m old.


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