
lowside magazine issue #3 release party tomorrow

Hey mofos, if you’re in the northeast, check out Lowside Magazine’s release party tomorrow in Kingsville, MD.

Seven bands, custom and garage-built bobbers, choppers, cafe racers, hot rods, and more.

How much for all this fun-packed excitement? Nothing…. if you’re a cheap ******* or don’t like gambling. What the guys are doing is asking for donations to participate in raffles and win some killer swag donated from vendors. All the money goes directly to support the bands, Lowside’s charity to help kids whose parents in the military have been killed or injured in Iraq and Afghanistan, and to a fund that’s helping Joe the fish from Philly who was hit this week on his bike by a dumb *** in a minivan.

Frickin’ four-wheelers.

So check out the party and tell them you heard about it on bikerMetric, help out those who need a hand, and have a blast!

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