
good news

enough donations have been made for me to repair the busted laptop keyborard.

i must thank robert, jeffrey, david, wesley, nate, and george.

what do you guys think of the info bar at the bottom of the page? on my computer, using firefox, it loaded fast and looked great. using the computer owned by the woman who inexplicably loves me (and uses ie!), it takes forf***ingever and stops everything until it loads. so. what do bikerMetric readers think of it? does it help? hinder? oh, and microsoft is a giant piece of f***ing s**t. in case you forgot.

get firefox.

i should have a real post tomorrow. a real post with cool pictures and links about killer bobs, chops and cafe’s you haven’t seen yet. plus a detailed plan to end the rich while still getting their tax breaks!

maybe not. but if you’ve read enough of this mad metric motorbike blog, you’ll know what to do when the time comes.

if i disappear, overthrow every government. bathe yourselves in the blood of the aristocracy. then drive their cars while drinking.

thank you all. for everything.

now please visit the the PIMP YER BIZ page and discover that 50,000 readers want top buy your stuff.

“information is the currency of democracy.” – thomas jefferson


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