
borile *******

From the land of beautiful cars and fast women:
Written and directed by Happy G.
*******, by Borile, is just that. The €9,680 price tag seems like a deal but what you’re paying for are wheels, suspension, a gas tank, handle bars and a light alloy frame – but no motor.

As a buyer you have three option: find your own engine, purchase ******* with a GM speedway-style single for €15,125, or opt for the less expensive option and spend your hard-earned ******* with a Borile 450cc mill for €13,750.
We look forward to visiting this site frequently in anticipation for their new releases, and we strongly recommend you do the same! Other than the images on this site, and video that was all Greek to me, we haven’t had a chance to really experience the Borile passion and excitement. Please, send us a bike! On second thought, just take us to the small town of Vò Euganeo Italy to ride those roads.See also:

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